Remember the simple joy of looking for shapes in the clouds and help Canadian children and youth with the purchase of this stamp. A 10-cent surcharge on the price of this stamp (or $1 per booklet) directly supports local and national non-profit organizations working to deliver a brighter future for young people in communities across Canada.
Designer Matthew Warburton of Emdoubleyu Design says of the inspiration behind the stamp, “Everyone can recall days from their childhood, spending a hot summer afternoon lying in the grass looking up at the clouds rolling by. This design recreates that feeling of freedom, wonderment and joy with a child sitting on a grassy, flower-speckled hilltop, looking up at the sky and seeing animal shapes in the fluffy clouds.” The stamp was illustrated by Julie Morstad, one of Canada’s top illustrators of children’s books, whose work is honoured frequently in the Alcuin Society Book Awards.
The Canada Post Community Foundation’s vision is to ensure children in Canada are happy, healthy and surrounded by a community that supports and cares for them. To date, the Foundation has provided more than $6 million in assistance to libraries, breakfast programs, anti-bullying initiatives, Kids Help Phone, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, sports clubs, and many other worthy recipients. An additional $1.2 million will be awarded in September, 2018.
The Official First Day Cover (OFDC) for the stamp issued by Canada Post.
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