The Provincial Asylum in Toronto: Reflections on Social and Architectural History, Edna Hudson (editor).
On the 150th anniversary of its debut, the landmark asylum (demolished in 1975) is reconsidered. Its hard fall from grace began shortly after construction. First its sophisticated architectural program was overwhelmed, then it was and under-maintained, and finally it was blamed not only for functional shortcomings but also the collateral failures of medical treatments.
A dozen contributors essay the possibilities of designing and using a building as a therapeutic instrument. According to John Bentley Mays in the National Post: "a useful lesson in how the meanings of medical architecture shift and slide over time... with the darkenings and lightenings of medical knowledge about our frail human condition." Contributors include Pleasance Crawford, Cyril Greenland, Shirley Morriss, Douglas Richardson, and John Sewell. Comprehensively illustrated with many rare period photos and other graphics.
Trade paperback
270 pages
ISBN 978-0-9699054-3-1
Published 2000
All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Toronto Branch.